Cookie Policy

What are cookies

An explanation of cookies, their use, and their purpose may be found in our Cookie Policy. We outline the different cookie types we employ, the data we obtain from them, and the ways in which we make use of it. We also offer instructions on how to control cookie settings.

Cookies are little text files used to store data fragments. When you open our website in your browser, they are saved on your device. These cookies help us maintain the functionality and security of our website, enhance user experience, and analyse performance to spot areas that should be improved.

The Use of First-Party and Third-Party Cookies by Bestcare24 and Their Use.

Like many other online services, our website makes use of first-party and third-party cookies for a variety of reasons. First-party cookies do not gather any information that can be used to identify an individual and are primarily required for the website to operate properly.

On the other hand, third-party cookies have a variety of uses, including analysing how well our website performs, figuring out how you interact with it, boosting the security of our services, showing you relevant adverts, and generally improving your user experience. Additionally, these cookies speed up any subsequent interactions you have with our website.

Manage cookie preferences

To modify your cookie preferences, click on the button provided above. This will allow you to revisit the cookie consent banner and alter your preferences or withdraw your consent immediately.

In addition, various web browsers offer different techniques for blocking and deleting cookies utilized by websites. You can adjust your browser settings to block or delete cookies. Below are links to support documents that describe how to manage and delete cookies for the most frequently used web browsers.